Buy Contract Price Change?
Is there any change to the Buy contact API? For buying at market price (without using price proposal) I was using some large number like 9999999 and it was working fine until today, where I received an error like "insufficient funds". I'd like to know what's the correct parameter to buy the contract directly at market price. Thanks.
Me too
Your account balance (USD87,562.66) is insufficient to buy this contract (USD99,999.00).
I also noticed that the "price" value now works as "amount" value. This is dangerous. Like, if I specify the current price of the currency pair (say 100) to this, along with the parameters like actual amount, payout type as stake, it actually takes the value as the amount and deducts 100 from the account for the trade and ignores the amount specified.
For now you can set the value to be same as the "amount" you want to purchase it for. But I doubt this would work for all scenarios.
I Just change from stake to payout and my Bot Buy Contract running as a charm
Good that it worked for you. But this change (possibly a bug?) could affect many existing implementations.
Hi @dewanto @charmx thanks for flagging this.
@charmx I was informed by Sherwin and Olga about the issue you faced and we flagged it to IT and they are checking on this.
Thus far from the findings yesterday, IT noticed the same too, when we set "basis" as "payout" then we don't consider price parameter.
But when we set basis as stake, the error happened.
We are on top of this, will get back to you once I heard more from them.
Hi all,
Regarding the stake issue, we have found the problem. This only happened to some API users when they pass in an extremely large value to the BUY API .
The tech team have fixed this.
Do tell us if this is still happening.
Thanks for the fix. The large value is specified in order to buy directly at the market price, rather than using price proposal request. It would be better if there's a straightforward way in the API to do this.
Now I often get an error like this:
Trading on this market is suspended due to missing market data.
after buy Rise Fall V100 8 ticks*
Also found same error on other menu (digit /high low/etc)
I've been having the following error most of this morning on V10 (R_10):
"Trading on this market is suspended due to missing market data." InvalidtoBuy
The last time I saw the error was at 10:10 GMT (ZULU) and have not seen it since (possibly fixed?)
@dewanto @JetBrainsDude yes this has been fixed, one of our server was misbehaving so removed that from our pool
"Is there any change to the Buy contact API? For buying at market price (without using price proposal) I was using some large number like 9999999 and it was working fine until today, where I received an error like "insufficient funds". I'd like to know what's the correct parameter to buy the contract directly at market price. Thanks."
These issue rise again .
Please check
Agreed, I have seen this happen this morning. I too was using a value that was larger than the intended contract price just to save having to work it all out etc. Turns out my value I'd chosen was 2,000 - which obviously I did have in my demo account (damn lucky I hadn't gone live with my code).
Look what happened as per the statement at 11:30 this morning. Trade executes, at a value of 2,000 as I had entered as my "catch all" figure - yet the potential payout is still listed at 4.79. So a massive coding error at the end, compounded by a coding error at my end !
Somewhat, no VERY scary that this would creep out into the production API like that.
Please forward to IT
Thank you