
I'm trying to get Russian language, but I can’t. Why "&l=RU" this is not working?



  • That seems to be working,
    However only things like error messages get translated. The attribute names etc will always remain in English.
    so here you can see what happens when an error occurs.

    Data: {"echo_req":{"authorize":"<not shown>"},"error":{"code":"InvalidToken","message":"Код подтверждения недействителен."},"msg_type":"authorize"}
    Error Happened: {"echo_req":{"authorize":"<not shown>"},"error":{"code":"InvalidToken","message":"Код подтверждения недействителен."},"msg_type":"authorize"}

    but a normal response remains in English. Any translation of results would need to be handled client side.

  • I understood you. Thanks you :)))))

  • Persi, you can share the code of how you can implement a connection with I'm trying everything here but only receive this at bellow. Is ruby too?

    @ws = 'wss://')
    @ws << ({authorize:'xxx'}.to_json)
    [:close, 1002, "Error during WebSocket handshake: Unexpected response code: 401"]
  • I found my error. I was thinking that app_id equal to token_id. Sorry, I did not pay attention to the description to generate app_id.

    But I have a question. My project is under development and is not deployed. But I need access to the API to get deploy beta. How proceed to APP registration?

  • You can register your app at any time. If it is beta then best to stick to trading with virtual accounts.

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