-DIGITS MoneyTradeBot- Fastest Bot Execution
Digits MoneyTradeBot
MoneyTradeBot Software is a tool in continously transformations and with two modules implemented already
-CALL/PUT options
-DIGITS Options
On Both DIGITS and CALL/PUT MODULES the following options are avaialable:
On each contract you can choose at each step what the bot want to do:
-duration of a contract is conffigurable (from 1 tick up to 24 hours)
-also a random interval is available for duration if you check the box before the duration
-when a contract has duration overr 15 seconds an option to close contract earlier can be checked-that means that we have a contract duration 1minute and after 30sec we are in profit over 50% amount placed -the soft will automatically sell the contract for you at that price
-configurable timer to wait between steps
- the soft can choose to wait between steps a configurable time that you set or a random variable if you are a gambler
-also you can set the timer as in the image when the step is won / or on lost / or on both
As you can see in the image below you can set a number of steps. Is not needed to be x2, you can choose to place DIGITMATH options and step 1 to set 1 dolar and step 2 tos et 1.2 dolars so you are not limitted to place a multiplier . JUST SAVE THE STRATEGY AND RUN.
Also on each strategy you select the symbol you runned.
In order to change properties for DIGITS options :
You can set here automatically digit prediction type:
1. The Lowest means that at each placed contract the smallest probability seen on the top left corner in the last analyzed prices will be placed
2 The Highest means that at each placed contract the highest probability digit will be placed in market
3 Highest random means that between the biggest three probabilites randomly will be choosed and select only one at a time
4 Lowest random means that between smalles three probabilities randomly will be choosed and select only one at a time.
Also the user can choose manualy predicition :
In this area the operator can choose the maximum latest analyzed prices -> represents a vector of 100 elements in picture and make probabilities of them.
If nr 9 was hit for three times in this case the probability will be 3 and so on.
The interesting part is that you can modify the length of this vector and also can increase the variation for the probabilities.
After you set here, choose automaticaly DIGIT PREDICTION type and why not THE LOWEST option and start and test.
Download Now : https://moneytradebot.com/
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Telegram: https://t.me/moneytradebot_bot