Tick History
Hello all,
please help me.. i want create like image :
and my code like this :
function historyohlc(m,c,t){
ws = new WebSocket('wss://www.binary.com/websockets/v3'); ws.onopen = function() { ws.send(JSON.stringify({ ticks_history: m, end: "latest", count: c, granularity: t, style: "candles" })); } ws.onmessage = function(msg){ var history = {epoch:[],open:[],high:[],low:[],close:[]}; var data = JSON.parse(msg.data); var info = ""; for (var i=0; i < c; i++){ if(data.candles){ history.epoch[i]= new Date(data.candles[i].epoch*1000).toString().slice(16,24); history.low[i]= data.candles[i].low; history.close[i]= data.candles[i].close; } } for (var i=1; i <= c; i++){ info+="<tr><td>"+history.epoch[c-i]+"</td><td> "+Number(history.close[c-i]).toFixed(4)+"</td><td></td><td>"+history.low[c-i]+"</td></tr>"; } $('#historyresult').html(info); idepoch = "#"+m+"hisepoch"; $(idepoch).html(history.epoch); idclose = "#"+m+"hisclose"; $(idclose).html(history.close); }
i want to create difference betwen spot price.. and arrow up and down inicator..
thank you
Hello. You just need get your candles and
subtract 1623.7360-1624.3060=-0.57 and check the arrow direction based on candle Open|Close
nopo dereng saget to mas? hehehe