buy_contract_for_multiple_accounts throws error: MultiplierNotAllowed
I want to open multiple cryBTCUSD contracts simultaniously. Opening a single contract works fine in the UI and with a buy request. The "contracts for symbol" request shows that MULTUP and MULTDOWN are allowed for cryBTCUSD. But when I execute it as buy_contract_for_multiple_accounts:
{ "buy_contract_for_multiple_accounts": 1, "parameters": { "amount": 200, "basis": "stake", "contract_type": "MULTDOWN", "currency": "USD", "symbol": "cryBTCUSD", "multiplier": 20 }, "price": 200, "tokens": ["my token"] }
it throws the error:
error: { code: 'MultiplierNotAllowed', message: 'MULTUP and MULTDOWN are not supported.' }
Is there any way to fix that? I don't see a reason to restrict buying multiple contracts of btcusd.
Thanks for your help!